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Mariana Tek Advertising Demo

Your Ad


Advertise with us

Mariana Tek's mobile app enables you to serve targeted advertising banners. With Mariana Tek you can host an ad server, allowing you to programatically target user segments.

See it in action

The "Your Ad" form allows you to demo an example of a live ad server. We'll look at an example of two segments: default users and VIP users.

  • Upon initial page load, you are served two ads targetting user 123, a default user.
  • Click on an ad to see the specified default landing page.
  • Now enter user_id 456 into the form and click Submit. You should see coral-colored ads that says "Ad for User 456" since this user is in the VIP segment.
  • Click on an ad to see the specified VIP landing page.

Create your own ad server

Serve ads in your app by folowing the steps below:

  • Implement an endpoint that receives the following JSON request format: { "user_id": "123", } And returns the following JSON response format (this example returns 2 ads): { "primary_cards": [ { "image_url": "https://link/to/your/image", "redirect_url": "https://link/to/your/landing/page" }, { "image_url": "https://link/to/your/image", "redirect_url": "https://link/to/your/landing/page" } ] }
  • You may return a multiple ads in an ordered list.
  • Your images should be 1200x628px. Images of other dimensions will result in letter-boxing in the app.
  • All endpoints, image URLs, and redirect URLs must be served over SSL. Non-secure responses will be rejected.
  • You can fork this example repo to help expedite bootstrapping your ad server:
  • Once your ad servers is ready to go live, communicate the URL of your ad endpoint to your account manager to complete configuration.